Remediation is the act of fixing something that is broke or defective. Bioremediation is an environmental term meaning the act of using microorganisms to correct polluted habitats. Microorganisms break down pollutants such as oil taking away the toxicity of the pollutant. Bioremediation is Mother Nature’s way of repairing her environment after catastrophic event.
OSE II is a product that speeds up Mother Nature’s process using enzymes and special ingredients. It is the only product of its kind and has its own category in the EPA’s classification system. OSE II adds nutrients and quickly remediates hydrocarbon pollutants. The end results of OSE II bioremediation is H2O (water) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) residue.
In oil spills on water many companies have use dispersants to adhere to the pollutant and sink it to the sea or river bed. The process does not eliminate the pollutant but only stores it for a later cleanup. This process through the years has cause more damage to the environment and due to the toxicity of the product itself has caused harmful and fatal side effects to those applying the chemical. OSE II is nontoxic and has no harmful side effects.
As dispersants do not remediate the habitat OSE II is the preferred method of bioremediation of pollutants. Tens of thousands of hydrocarbon spills around the world have been bioremediated by OSE II. OSE II begins by taking away the adhesive characteristic of hydrocarbons. If flammable, OSE II, within 3 minutes takes away the flammability of the pollutant rendering it safe. So within 3 minutes there is no threat of fires and the sea life or wildlife will not easily cover in the pollutant. Additionally, as dispersants sink the pollutants on water, OSE II causes it to float while it is speeding up Mother Nature’s remediation process. The pollutant is resolved to water and carbon dioxide residue safe for sea life.
Bioremediation is very important part of our ecosystem. Without bioremediation the environment in which we live would have died years ago. Bioremediation goes on all around you correcting mistakes usually made by man or catastrophic events.
About The Author: Green Life Solutions is a privately owned Bahamian company. Our group of directors are deeply concerned with environmental conditions in the Caribbean. We value and seek a better future for ourselves and our children through sustainable environmental practices. With industrial waste streams and illegal dumping continuing to threaten our food and water sources and the health of our habitat, now more than ever is the time to exercise sustainable “green” practices that will help to mitigate any adverse effects posed against the way of life which we have come to know. ” Green Life Solutions is your green living solutions provider, we have the natural, organic and biological solutions to your everyday commercial and residential problems.
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