Green Life Solutions is a proud distributor of Natural and Organic hair dyes, makeup, tooth paste, lotions and other cosmetics.
Hair Dyes
We carry the Award-winning Radico line, a 100% Natural Organic herbal hair coloring and treatment line for those who have chemical sensitivities or unexplained allergies or illnesses known to be associated with many toxic mainstream laboratory fabricated chemicals found in many product lines. Many people are allergic to hair dyes and cosmetics and do not even know it. The affects of toxic products may be slight to severe and may not even be realized until years to come. Most hair and cosmetic lines are required to list on their products ingredients known to be harmful to the human body and yet consumers continue to purchase them through convenience and ignorance.
Green Life Solutions cares about your health and the environment and offers the Radico line because the line is “Green” meaning it is “All Natural” and has no known harmful chemical ingredients. The Radico line is not as strong as most chemical lines, but it is safe. Radico products offer single step treatments that color and condition the hair leaving it softer, silkier, shinier and stronger than ever.
The Radico line, unlike most hair coloring and treatment lines steers clear of dyes that have chemicals like Ammonia, Resorcinol, PAP and PPD. None of which should be placed anywhere on the scalp where you have the most concentrated amount of pores in your body and which pores are portals into your blood stream.
If you discover or suspect that you have allergies to unhealthy hair coloring and treatment chemicals or just want to be safe and limit your risk for associated conditions and diseases that may develop over time due to toxic chemicals, our Organic solution are the right solutions for you. Contact us today to find out more information.