Best Oil Spill Clean-Up Product

There are many products available to clean up an oil spill.  The oil spill industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  To find the best possible method or chemical to clean up oil spills has cost companies large sums of investment money and time.  

Alcohols and other abrasive toxic chemicals have been used to try to eliminate waste oil from surfaces while very toxic chemicals known as dispersants are used at sea.  For the most, these chemicals are very bad for the environment.  Dispersants are used at sea to collect the oils together and sink it to the seabed.  These “chunks” of oil mixed with toxic chemicals destroys sea life and eventually may return to shore causing abrupt devastating shoreline problems.  These toxic masses often fall on corals completely destroying them. 

Not only dangerous to sea life, toxic chemicals are dangerous to human life.  In fact, handlers of the dispersants used on the 1989 Valdez spill have all since deceased due to exposure to the chemicals.  Proper PPE or Personal Protection Equipment is a must with these chemicals.  Putting your employees in contact with certain chemicals puts them at risk and also your company at risk of a lawsuit. 

OSE II is a non-toxic product which uses Mother Nature’s own process by speeding it up to manage your oil spills.  OSE II remediates the spill on an enzyme level using bacteria to eat the spill.   In the end, you are left with H²O (water) and CO² (carbon dioxide).  The CO² is a very minimal amount.   OSE II has no adverse effects on human life and is safe for use.  Many countries around the world have authorized the use of OSE II. 

On water OSE II causes the spilled oil to float and not sink like dispersants.  While floating it begins the process of eliminating it.  Almost immediately it takes away the adhesive effect that renders sea life and birds helpless.  Birds diving into the sea can easily clean themselves in water.  Sea life affected will be able to swim out and away from the oil spill increasing their survival rate.

On hard surfaces such as pavement OSE II simply and quickly eliminates the spill. On oil soaked soil the product needs to be tilled into the land and kept moist for up to 5 weeks.  A significant difference will be noticed right away but the product needs time to penetrate the oil-soaked soil.  OSE II will bring the habitat back to its normal state.

OSE II has been used around the world to clean up dangerous spills with 100% effectiveness.  Companies and governments who have chosen to use the product have seen its worthiness and has adapted it to the product to use for future cleanups.  Many large corporations are invested in the dispersants and choose to continue using them while communities and local governments choose to use OSE II. 

About The Author:  Green Life Solutions is a privately owned Bahamian company.  Our group of directors is deeply concerned with environmental, health and energy conditions in the Caribbean.  We value and seek a better future for ourselves and our children through sustainable environmental practices, better health solutions, and renewable energy. With industrial waste streams and illegal dumping continuing to threaten our food and water sources and the health of our habitats, now more than ever is the time to exercise sustainable “green” practices that will help to mitigate any adverse effects posed by the way of life which we have come to know. ” Green Life Solutions is your green life solutions provider, we have the natural, organic and biological solutions to your everyday commercial and residential problems.

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